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Jennie Allen |
It's just that kind of study. One that invites you into fellowship with each other and with the Lord. Jennie's direct, down to earth passion for God comes through both in the DVD segments and in the lessons (As soon as we started the first segment, one of my friends said, "I like her already.")
This is not a mark-up-your Bibles, deep study for intellectual nuggets as much as it is an interactive challenge to examine your relationship with God. I was concerned that the reflective questions might lead to lots of navel gazing but Allen counters this possibility by providing pivotal Scripture verses against which every question and answer is weighed. My friends and I appreciated the "less" approach: a few verses for reflection and possession rather than a pageful forgotten.
The topics: identity, courage, obedience, belief, repentance, surrender, chase and chased down, pull you into the heart of relationship with God.
A beautiful study both in presentation and content for women's groups large or small.
Now let's hear what Jennie has to say about it.
Why is the story of David in Chase one that you feel women today need to hear?
jennie: David is the wild, passionate, warrior king, but something about the way he related to God has wrecked me. His view of God was so big. David actually believed God and he lived like it. I think as a generation of women, we are longing for the same lives. We want to believe God is real and to live like it.
This is not a study for people wanting to play it safe... This study messes with you because we all are chasing things other than God, and when you look into the life of someone chasing God himself... God alone, you start craving that. I want a life like David’s, brave and dependent and full of worship. He had a relationship with God unlike any other in Scripture; honestly, unlike any other I’ve ever seen. I want to know God like he did and trust God like he did.
How can small group leaders, groups of friends and others use your studies, like Chase, to dig deeper into God’s Word?
jennie: Every study begins with Scripture, and the entire time you are going back to God’s Word together, but this is a lot more than an intellectual examination of Scripture. My prayer is that this would be a place where truth and experience come together. I designed these studies to take women from the point of understanding the truth all the way to the point of living that truth.
From the personal questions to the projects that make you face your doubts about God.... it feels a little scary but I love that these studies push us to places of faith. There aren’t easy answers, and it makes us wrestle with God - not just check boxes and fill in blanks.
What do you hope that women discover most about themselves and about God after experiencing Chase?
jennie: I think a lot of us are tired and we would like to please God, but it feels like it would take a lot of effort to do that. Chase seems to be an experiment in what it is God wants from us. The more I understand what God has done, the more I quit striving and rest in Him. David rested in the work of God - in God’s favor - in the plans God had written for him. Whether you are running from God or working your tail off to please Him, this man’s journey will challenge your view of God.
You can visit Jennie at http://www.jennieallen.com/
Blessings friends all over the world. I so appreciate that take time to stop by. May you have a weekend anchored in hope in the Living Lord.
It sounds great, Marcia, and one that would work well with my neighborhood gals!