Monday, December 3, 2012

The Man in the Pink Ear Muffs:That's my Husband

Not every man can don his wife’s pink Winchester ear protectors and not feel intimidated. But my man can. That’s one of the things I love about him—he’s comfortable with who he is and can do what he has to do—even it looks silly. Sometimes, especially if it looks silly.

So when he and a friend, who was visiting from out of town, went to the shooting range, one of them had to wear my pink ear muffs. (But I don’t shoot a pink gun, mind you.)

“I can’t do that,” his friend said, looking around at the whiskered, leather-booted, Levi-wearing patrons. “Just, can’t.”

Undaunted husband weighed the situation. Why rent some others when he already had two pair with him? And besides—who’s going to make fun of a man with a gun in his hand.

Now when he told me he’d done that, I have to admit, the image was unsettling. But being able to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves so seriously is a wonderful freedom, and so I did— laugh with him.

This gift or ability isn’t something that comes naturally to many of us. Having been one of those teenagers who sobbed her way through adolescence, I could never figure out how to apply my mother’s advice: “Marcia, stop taking yourself so seriously.”

I have to say it’s getting a bit easier, maybe it comes with age. Maybe with practice.

If anyone has any wisdom on this, how to get over ourselves, laugh at our embarrassments, I’m sure there are many, myself included, who’d welcome the suggestions.

And if today, you find yourself in an awkward situation, perhaps you’ll take courage from my husband, and don those pink ear muffs with humor and nonchalance.

Blessings, friends. In the joy of the Lord!

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